I originally intended to do a series of posts as a lead-up to Halloween this year. However, with the amount of rain and overcast weather my area has been getting lately, I kept putting off trying to take photos, so the time ended up getting away from me. Still, I did sort of promise Heathersmoo, my keychain collecting email pen-pal, that I would show off the tarot card 'Death' keychain I bought at Spencer's a while back in my 2021 Halloween post. So, here's a quick post wishing my readers a Happy Halloween.
As I said before, this keychain was bought at a store called Spencer's, which specializes in 'edgy' and 'irreverent' novelty items. The original backing card for this keychain stated that it was "distributed by Kalan LP".
As a bonus Halloween 'treat', here's a set of keychains based on that late 90s trend-setting horror film, The Blair Witch Project, a film credited with popularizing the 'found-footage' genre. These keychains were manufactured by Hot Properties! Inc., though I can't remember now what retail store I actually bought them from. I do recall that I got all four of them on clearance, after the initial hype for the film had run its course. I'm pretty sure I hadn't actually seen the movie at the time I bought these, since horror isn't one of my preferred genres, and generally I don't like going to movie theaters anyway. I'd rather wait and borrow films from the public library, so that I can watch them from the comfort of my own home with the volume adjusted to a level I'm more comfortable with and with the ability to pause the action for bathroom breaks.
I think the reason that I picked up these keychains originally was because The Blair Witch Project qualified as what I call a 'pop culture touchstone', to reuse a phrase from one of my previous posts. I like having keychains in my collection that serve as artifacts from a particular time, representing the trends and fads that helped define that point in time. Either that, or I just thought these Blair Witch Project keychains looked cool.
Signed, Treesa